3.2 Get3D Engine
Get3D Engine is a work module, running in the background processing tasks, can be online cluster processing tasks.
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Get3D Engine is a work module, running in the background processing tasks, can be online cluster processing tasks.
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Task Directory: Defines the task path of the current project, the tasks submitted by the current project are stored under this path, waiting for the engine to accept the processing, i.e. a folder storing the tasks.
Local Engine Monitor Directory: Defines the path for local engine to get the tasks, i.e. the local engine monitor directory is specified under a folder for storing the tasks.
When the local engine monitor directory is specified in the same folder as the task directory of a project, the engine will process the tasks in this project.
Project Cache Directory: Stores temporary files during task processing, the path needs to be set to the local disk.
In the Get3D Mapper main interface, the "Task Directory" is used to store submitted tasks. The Get3D Engine uses the "Engine Monitor Directory," where it retrieves tasks submitted by Get3D Mapper from the "Task Directory." The engine reads task information (e.g., AT_job/Reconstruction_job), processes the tasks, and outputs the results.
Get3D Engine interface has two module: node information list and engine log.
The node information list module contains host name, IP address, engine version, engine status, engine capability, task directory, engine cache directory, cache space, CPU utilization, memory utilization, GPU memory utilization.
Host Name
Device name
IP Address
Device IP address
Engine Version
Get3D Engine version
Engine Status
Stop(closed), Waiting(opened without accepting a task), Running(task running), Abnormal (exited abnormally)
Engine Capability
Set the engine capability, the engine only processes tasks with this processing capability. AT: extract points, matching, small block bundle, overall bundle; Reconstruction
Monitor Directory
Set engine monitor directory
Cache Directory
Set engine cache directory
Cache Space Remaining
Project cache disk, used space/hard drive space
CPU Utilization
CPU usage percentage
Memory Utilization
Memory, used memory/node memory
GPU Utilization
Video memory, used video memory/node video memory
The engine setting function is in the node information list, right-click to jump out, the setting function is shown in the figure below:
Refresh Engine Information
Refresh engine CPU, memory, GPU utilization, engine status, cache directory space remaining information
Modify Monitor Directory
Modify the monitor directory of engine
Modify Cache Directory
Modify the cache directory of project
Set Engine Capabilities
Acquire the capability to receive AT/reconstruction tasks
Set Engine Process Number
Accept multiple tasks on a single machine at the same time, with a maximum of 4 supported.
Start Engine
Start accepting tasks
Stop Engine
Stop accepting tasks