4.1 PC Interface Introduction


1. Project Management

Project management involves managing software projects and encompasses creating new projects, opening historical projects, and saving the current project.

2. Authorization Management

Users log in to their Get3D accounts to obtain software licenses for full or trial versions, and access the software license activation management page.

3. Modeling Operation Functions

Input: Import raw data for quick modeling. Currently supports aerial imagery captured by DJI M3E drones. Note: This feature is used in quick modeling projects.

Settings: Set parameters for quick modeling results. Note: This feature is used in quick modeling projects.

Start: After importing data, click the Start Modeling button to initiate the background modeling algorithm.

Stop: For ongoing modeling projects, click the Stop button to terminate the background modeling algorithm when further modeling is not required. Note: This feature is used in quick modeling projects.

4. Model Tree Directory: Displays a list of modeling results.

Visibility Control Button: Click to control the visibility/hiding of data results on the visualization interface.

Export Button: Click to export data results with geographic coordinate system (DOM supports exporting WGS84 .geotif files, and 3D models support exporting WGS84 .3dtiles files).

5. Raw Data List: Lists raw data involved in modeling.

6. Project Status: Displays project processing status information in text form.

7. Visualization Interface: Displays a map. Zoom by scrolling the mouse wheel, rotate by holding the left mouse button, and pan by holding the middle mouse button.

8. Measurement Button

Length Measurement: Select a start point on the 3D model by clicking and measure the horizontal distance.

Area Measurement: Select vertices of the measurement surface on the 3D model by clicking and measure the area.

Height Measurement: Select a start point for height difference on the 3D model by clicking and measure the elevation distance.

Clear Button: Click to cancel measurement and remove measurement results from the visualization interface.

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