1.4 Newbie Guide

Newbie Guide

The following are the detailed steps for browsing local data using Get3D Viewer software:

1. Launch the Get3D Viewer

Open your computer, locate the Get3D Viewer icon, and double-click it to start the 3D viewer software.

2. Open local data

Open Get3D Viewer has started, you can open local data in several ways:

Select Project File : Click "File" > "Open File" from the menu and select a project file in .dav or .dvp format from the pop-up dialog.

Select Model File: You can directly open model files in many formats, including .osgb, .obj, .stl, .ply, .fbx, .json, .gltf, .glb, .b3dm, .3ds, .dosgb, .mfb, and so on.

Open the local model file from the File > Open File menu and select the appropriate file.

Similarly, you can select vector files in .kml, .shp format and image files in .tif format from the menu.

Selects the Data folder : You can also select the data directory containing the model data or its parent directory. Select File > Open Folder, then navigate to the Data folder or its parent.

3. Wait for automatic import and display

After selecting a file or folder, Get3D Viewer will automatically import and display the data. Please be patient, it depends on the size of the data and your computer's performance.

4. User operation and browsing

After the data is imported, you can start browsing and viewing the model.Get3D Viewer provides several browsing modes, such as texture mode, wireframe mode, etc., as well as measurements and other utilities to meet your different needs.

5. Save Changes

When you make any changes or adjustments to the model (e.g. labels, dimensions, etc.), be sure to save these changes. You can save the changes using the File > Save menu or the appropriate keyboard shortcuts.

6. Exit the view

After you have finished viewing and making changes, you can exit the viewing mode and return to the main Get3D Viewer screen.

7. Quit Get3D Viewer

When you have finished all operations and are ready to exit the software, close Get3D Viewer by clicking the Close button in the upper right corner of the window or selecting the "File" > "Quit" menu.

Last updated