2.5 Views Menu

Views menu mainly includes the following functions: Basic Views, Refresh Views, Full Screen, Dua-View Comparison, Lock Vertical Axis, Lock Horizontal Pan, Lock Angle.

Basic Views

Basic views are several views commonly used in 3D model viewing, they show the model from different directions and help the user to fully understand all aspects of the model.

  • Top view: looking vertically down from the top of the model, showing the top surface and details of the model.

  • Bottom View: Looking vertically up from the bottom of the model, showing the bottom surface and bottom details of the model.

  • Left View: Looking vertically to the right from the left side of the model, showing the left surface and left details of the model.

  • Right View: Looking vertically from the right side of the model to the left, showing the right side face and right side details of the model.

  • Front View: Looking vertically back from the front of the model, showing the front surface and front details of the model.

  • Rear View: Looking vertically forward from the rear of the model to show the rear side and rear details of the model.

Refresh Views

In the 3D Model Viewer, users often rotate, pan, or zoom the view to view the model from different angles and distances. However, there are times when the user may want to return the view to its original state, i.e., how it looked when it was first loaded, in order to start over or make comparisons. For this reason, the Reset View function is very useful.

  • View manipulation: The user can change the display state of the view by performing operations such as dragging, rotating, or zooming. These operations allow the user to view the model from any angle and distance for different viewing needs.

  • Reset View: If the user needs to return to the initial view state, they can click the Reset View button. This will immediately reset the view to the state it was in when it was first loaded, including the viewing angle, zoom ratio, and pan position.

Full Screen

Full screen mode is a feature that expands the 3D model viewer to fill the entire screen for an immersive experience. When the user clicks the Full Screen button, the viewer occupies the entire screen, eliminating all other windows or interfaces and allowing the user to focus more on the model.

  • Enter Full Screen Mode: When the user clicks the Full Screen button, the 3D model viewer will expand to fill the entire screen, hiding all other windows and interfaces. This provides a distraction-free environment, allowing the user to focus more on viewing and editing the model.

  • Exit Full Screen Mode: The user can exit full screen mode by pressing the Esc key. This returns the 3D Model Viewer to its original size and redisplays other windows and interfaces.

Dua-View Comparison

The Dual-View Compare feature provides a convenient way to view and compare 3D models. It allows the user to visualize, compare and analyze the same area reconstructed at different times or by different software by displaying it on two monitors at the same time. To use this feature, the user must prepare two sets of model data.

  • Dual Screen Load: First, users need to load the first set of model data by following the method of opening the local model file or folder, or opening the cloud model. Then, by clicking the Dual-View Compare function button, the view will switch to dual screen mode and prompt the user to load the second set of model data.

  • Browse and compare Models: In dual-view mode, users can browse and compare the differences between two models by long pressing the left mouse button to rotate, long pressing the scroll wheel to pan, and long pressing the right mouse button to zoom.

  • Exit Dual Screen Mode: Users can exit the dual-view mode at any time and return to the single-screen display by clicking the dual-view compare button again.

  • Model Linking: This feature allows users to rotate, pan, zoom in and out on two models simultaneously. When the Model Linkage switch is turned on, the left and right screen view changes are synchronized; clicking the space bar resets the left and right screen views simultaneously.

  • Restore View: This function is used to reset the model to the initial state after successful loading. No matter how the model is rotated, panned or zoomed, clicking the Restore View button will restore the left and right screen views to the original state at the same time.

  • Show/Hide: Users can choose to show or hide a model in the model list.

  • Delete: Users can delete unneeded models from the list.

  • Other Menus: Includes functions such as rename model, zoom to this layer, open model folder, and reload model.

Lock Vertical Axis

Vertical axis locking is an important feature in 3D model viewing and manipulation that is used to control the tilt angle of the model in the vertical direction. This feature is particularly useful for maintaining model orientation and avoiding confusion, especially when working with models that have a clear up and down orientation.

  • 180Β°Flip: When the vertical axis lock function is on, the user can flip the model 180 degrees in the vertical direction. This means that the model can only be switched between up and down without more complex rotations.

  • 360Β°(Unlimited) Flip: When the vertical axis lock is off, the model can be flipped 360 degrees without restriction. This means that the user can rotate the model from any angle without any directional restrictions.

Lock Horizontal Pan

The Lock Horizontal Pan function is a commonly used tool in 3D model viewing and manipulation that allows the user to move the model horizontally while keeping the height of the model constant, thus changing the viewing position of the model. This is useful when the model needs to be viewed from different angles or for detailed observation.

  • Elevation Lock: When panning is on, the elevation (i.e., vertical position) of the model remains constant as you drag the 3D model. This means that the vertical position of the model will not change no matter how much the user pans the model.

  • Horizontal Pan: Pan allows the user to freely move the model in the horizontal direction. The user can change the view position of the model by dragging the model or using the pan tool.

  • Easy to use: The panning function is usually realized by a simple dragging operation, where the user simply holds down the left mouse button in the view area and drags to pan the model.

Lock Angle

Viewpoint locking is a feature commonly used in 3D model viewing and editing that allows the user to lock the angle between the direction of the line of sight and the horizontal grid of the model to a specific value, usually any value between 0Β° and 90Β°. This feature is useful when precise viewing or editing of the model is required.

  • When the "Lock Angle" function is checked, the angle between the direction of the user's line of sight and the horizontal grid will remain between the set value and 90Β° when the user rotates or flips the model. This means that no matter how the model is rotated, the user's line of sight will remain at a constant angle, which facilitates accurate editing and viewing.

  • When Viewpoint Lock is unchecked, there is no angle restriction when the user flips or rotates the model. This means that the direction of view is free to change as the model is rotated, and the user can freely adjust the viewing angle as needed.

"Lock Angle" sets the angle value (usually 0Β°-90Β°).

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