2.6 Analysis Menu

Analysis menu mainly includes the following functions: Precision Check、Label、Measurement、Excavation Measurement.

Precision Check

The Precision Check feature plays a critical role in 3D GIS applications by allowing users to verify the accuracy of the model using external checkpoints and generate detailed accuracy reports. This feature is particularly useful in scenarios where model accuracy must be ensured, such as urban planning, terrain analysis, architectural design, and other fields.

  1. Launch the accuracy check function

Click the [Precision Check] button, the system will display the corresponding interface. In this interface, users can load the control point file and select the corresponding control points on the model.

  1. Load Control Point File

Click the Browse button behind the checkpoint file, the system will pop up the file selection dialog box. The user must select the existing checkpoint file. The file should meet the specific format requirements, i.e. each column represents the point number, east coordinates, north coordinates and elevation, and the columns are separated by spaces.

  1. Selecting and Viewing Checkpoints

After loading the checkpoint file, the point number and coordinate information of each checkpoint are displayed in the list. Users can double-click the checkpoint in the list to make the model jump to the corresponding position, and mark the position of the point in the external coordinates with a green flag.

  1. Measuring Model Coordinates

Click on the model to get the model coordinates of the checkpoint. These coordinates are recorded in a list and the clicked position is marked with a yellow flag. The system automatically calculates the difference between the field coordinates and the model coordinates.

  1. Calculate the error

After measuring the model coordinates of all check points, the system calculates the plane and elevation errors of each point and automatically counts the median errors of plane and elevation.

  1. Filter check points

Users can enter keywords in the query box and click the search button. The list will automatically filter the checkpoints that are not related to the keywords, which is convenient for users to quickly find the points of interest.

  1. Export Checkpoint Report

Click the [Export] button, users can choose to export the report in .csv or .pdf format. After setting the file name of the exported report, click [Save]. In addition, users can also choose to save the report as a dvp file to record the inspected points and points to be inspected so that it is convenient to complete the task in multiple times or to resume the work after accidentally exiting the program.


Label plays a crucial role in 3D GIS and is widely used in many industries and fields, such as emergency response, land surveying, planning and design. Through the form of points, lines, areas and shorelines, the label technology provides users with an intuitive and accurate means of geographic information labeling.

Users can select the label to edit, including moving the point labels position, adding or deleting the nodes of line or surface labels. The optimized line and area labels information is displayed more clearly, and the area labels shows semi-transparent effect (60% transparency) in the initial state, which makes the labels information more coordinated with other geographic elements.

Supports showing and hiding label names, including single label, all labels, and batch labels.

The label panel provides drag and drop, docking, resize, and collapse/expand functions, which is convenient for users to adjust the interface layout according to their needs.

Point Label

Point label is used to annotate individual objects and can also be used in combination with line label and area label.

Users can use the [F1] shortcut to quickly access the point label tool.

Point label attribute icons support six colors and 27 styles, and users can change the name and add rich description information according to their needs.

Line Label

Line label usually takes the form of a folded line, which is used to express the geographic elements such as roads, rivers and so on.

Users can quickly use the line label tool by pressing the [F2] key.

Linelabel supports different color and transparency settings, and you can add names and descriptions to it. The line length measurements can be found below the property bar.

NGons Label

NGons label is used to express specific NGons, such as construction NGons, disaster NGons, etc.

Users can quickly use the face label tool by pressing the [F3] key.

Areas labels also support color and transparency settings, and can be given a name and description. Measurement results can be found below the property bar.

Importing and Exporting Annotation Files

Users can import kml files or dvp files of points, lines and surfaces by selecting [Annotation Layer - More] and clicking [Import Annotation Files]. Single file import and batch import are supported, and after import, a new folder is created under the annotation information in the left panel.

Similarly, users can export annotation files by selecting [Labeling Information - More] and clicking [Exporting]. It supports .kml and .dvp format export for points and lines, kml format export for surfaces, and .xml format export for shorelines. Users can choose to export the whole annotation, single annotation, or multiple annotations at once, and the default export path is the last output directory.


Coordinate measurement

Users can perform coordinate measurement by clicking any point on the model with the left mouse button.

Distance measurement

Users can left-click multiple points on the model to draw folded line segments for distance measurement.

During the drawing process, the user can undo the previous operation by pressing the Backspace key.

The view shows the plotted trajectory as a "red" line and the total distance in real time. At the same time, the "green dotted line" shows the horizontal distance between the start and end points (level distance), and the "blue dotted line" shows the difference in elevation between the two points (height difference).

If the line segment is obscured by the model, it is shown as a dotted line; the portion of the line of sight that is not obscured is shown as a solid line.

Area Measurement

Users can draw polygons for area measurement by clicking points on the model surface with the left mouse button.

The polygon can be closed by double-clicking the left mouse button, and the drawing process can also be undone by pressing the Backspace key.

After the drawing is finished, the system will automatically calculate and display the perimeter and area of the polygon, and the measurement result will be saved to 2 decimal places.

Volume Measurement

Users can define the datum plane by clicking the points on the model surface, and then double-click the closure to complete the drawing of the volume area.

During the drawing process, the user can undo the operation by using the [Backspace] shortcut.

The user can set the height of the datum and the sampling distance, and the system automatically calculates the volume according to these settings and displays the results of the perimeter, area, and fill and excavation analyses. Measurement results are retained to 2 decimal places.

Excavation Measurement

The Excavation Measurement function is an advanced 3D GIS analysis tool that allows the user to calculate the volumetric differences between selected ground surfaces and the model. This feature is of great practical value in civil engineering, terrain analysis, and urban planning.

  • Explanation of Earthwork Calculation Results

    • Excavation volume (mΒ³): This is the volume above the volumetric base portion, i.e. the portion to be excavated from the surface.

    • Fill volume (mΒ³): this is the volume below the volumetric foundation portion, i.e. the portion that needs to be filled to reach the foundation surface.

    • Volume difference (mΒ³): this is the difference between the volume of the excavation and the volume of the fill, indicating the change in the total volume.

  • Datum Plane Explanation

    • Highest Point Plane: The base plane is parallel to the XY plane and is at the highest height of all vertices. Recommended when calculating the fill volume of a sand pit, pool, pond, etc.

    • Lowest Point Plane: The surface of the foundation is parallel to the XY plane and the height is at the lowest height of all vertices. Recommended option when part of the boundary is not visible, e.g. when the inventory is partially surrounded by walls.

    • Average Point Plane: The base surface is parallel to the XY plane and the height is the average height of all vertices.

    • Center Point Plane: It connects the Highest and Lowest points and the base surface is parallel to the XY plane, the High is the highest height of all vertices and the Low is the lowest height of all vertices.

    • Fit Plane: Fit the plane to the vertices so that all vertices are at the minimum distance from the base surface. Recommended option when the entire perimeter of the pile is visible and the base surface is a hard surface, slope, or level of the same height.

    • Custom Surface: The base surface is parallel to the XY plane and has a custom height. Recommended when the inventory is surrounded by walls and only part or none of the boundaries are visible, but the height of the flat base is known.

  1. Draw the measurement area: Click the left mouse button to draw the polygon area to be measured. Each click creates a vertex and a double click completes the polygon. When the drawing is complete, the user is presented with a base surface defined by the vertices.

  1. Selecting the Datum Mode: Before performing earthwork calculations, the user can select different datum modes as needed. These modes include Highest Point Plane, Lowest Point Plane, Average Point Plane, Center Point Plane, Fitting Plane, and Custom Plane. Each mode has its own specific application scenarios and advantages.

  1. Set Sampling Distance: The user can set the sampling distance as needed, which is an important parameter that affects the accuracy of the calculation.

  1. Start calculation: After setting the datum mode and sampling distance, users can click the [Calculation] button to get the earthwork calculation results. These results include excavation volume, fill volume and volume difference.

  1. Viewing and Copying ResultsOnce the calculation is complete, the user can view all the results on the Earthwork Calculation screen. If necessary, the user can also click the [Copy] button to copy the results, which is convenient for further data processing and analysis.

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